How to Claim Reimbursements for Returns

In the last post, I showed you how to claim reimbursements for damaged, destroyed and lost inventory when using FBA. But I didn’t show you how to claim reimbursements for returns, for returned items not added back to your inventory. Customers who decide to return a…

How to Start Selling Books on Amazon using FBA

In February 2017 I stumbled on one of Gary Vaynerchuk’s videos on YouTube, in which he explained how this guy called Reezy was selling over $600,000 worth of books per year on Amazon. In another, Gary announced, what he called, the 2017 Flip Challenge — buy low…

Make Risk-free Money through Matched Betting

When I mention that you can make money through a method called Matched Betting to people who have never heard of it, they always get suspicious and automatically turn their bullshit siren on. And when I tell them that it’s 100% risk-free, they turn off completely….